Poliatrilididoa% 90
Polyacrylamide (PAM) is a linear water-soluble polymer, the general term for acrylamide homopolymers or copolymers and modified products, the most widely used variety of water-soluble polymers, and known as “Auxiliary agent for all industries”. Policrillamenaren egituran oinarrituta, policillamenik ez ioniko, anioniko eta kationikoan banatu daiteke. According to the molecular weight of polyacrylamide, it can be divided into ultra-low molecular weight, low molecular weight, medium molecular weight, high molecular weight and ultra-high molecular weight. Our company has developed a full range of polyacrylamide products through cooperation with scientific institutions.Our PAM products includes oil exploitation series, non-ionic series, anion series, cationic series. Pisu molekularra poliazrilidaren% 500 mila ~ 30 milioi da. Widely used in various fields such as water treatment, oil exploitation, paper-making, textiles, mineral processing, coal washing, sand washing, soil conditioner, etc.
N-metilol akrylamide% 98
White crystal. Bonu bikoitza eta funtzio aktibo taldea dituen auto-gurutzatu monomer mota bat da. It is unstable in humid air or water and easy to polymerize. In the presence of acid in aqueous solution, it will quickly polymerize into insoluble resin.
N, n'-methylenebisacrylamid% 99
【Properties】White powder, Melting point: 185℃; Dentsitate erlatiboa: 1.235. Dissolving in water and organic solvents such as ethanol, acelone, etc.
Akrilamida konponbidea
Adopts the original carrier-free technology by Tsinghua University. Garbitasun eta erreaktibitate handiagoa eta erreaktibitatearen ezaugarriekin, kobre eta burdinerik gabeko edukien ezaugarriekin, bereziki egokia da polimeroen ekoizpenerako.
Gure enpresak Txinako Ekialdeko Zientzia eta Teknologiako Unibertsitatearekin lankidetzan aritzen da, eta lehendabizi erreakzioa etengabe hartu du furfuryl alkohola ekoizteko kalderetan eta destilazio etengabeko prozesuan. Entirely realized the reaction at low temperature and automatic remote operation, making the quality more stable and production cost lower.
Zurizko aluminiozko hidroxidoa
Aluminum hydroxide is white powder product. Bere itxura kristal hauts zuria da, toxikorik gabekoa eta usainik gabekoa, zuritasun ona, zuritasuna, alkali baxua eta burdin baxua. It is an amphoteric compound. The main content is AL (OH) 3.
1. Aluminio hidroxidoak erretzea ekiditen du. Substantzia eta gas toxikorik ez du egiten. It is labile in the strong alkali and strong acid solution. It becomes alumina after pyrolysis and dehydration, and non-toxic and odorless.